Friday, November 27, 2009

Mid Century Modern

Yesterday for Thanksgiving I was thankful to still be 49. This morning I am reflecting on reaching half a century, which sounds so... old. Of course, I have friends of all ages, so I understand it's all relative, but I do tend to think of myself as a perennial 27.

I received this lovely birthday card from my high school history teacher, Clarice, who is 80, with whom I've stayed in touch for over 30 years. I graduated with the History Award. I'm sure my AARP card is on its way! I hear there are some pretty good discounts.

For breakfast, Farmer Rick made me tea, pancakes with vegetarian sausage and Canadian bacon. He is doing the house chores so I can be relaxed and creative today. I think being a life-long vegetarian with an active lifestyle has kept me youthful and in shape.

Last week at the grocery store the checker and sacker, having just handled my healthful food purchases, asked me if I was a vegetarian, and I said yes. They guessed my age to be 35. Sounds good to me. To be sure, my life is better than it ever has been.

Because most of my friends are tied up with the holiday, I've decided to celebrate all year long and in various ways. It's definitely a time for personal reflection on what I've been through and accomplished, but also a time to discard and pare down to the essential self and make sure my remaining time is vibrant and fulfilling. It's like New Years Eve--only looking ahead at the entire next half century! One thing is for sure, I plan to make more time for music and art.

If you've reached this milestone, I'd love to hear how it has affected your life. If you haven't, I'd still be interested to know how you would handle the second half of your life differently.


Anonymous said...

Wow; I didn't realize that you were so old, Sage. You look much younger. You live right, though.

Happy Birthday to you ........bob

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sage. I remember the half way mark, I had just married 6 month before!! My mind tells me I'm still young, but the body does it's share of squaking! LOL

Callie Brady said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy! I have had much happier years after 50 than before.

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