Friday, February 5, 2010

Spring has sprung!

One of the benefits of living in the southwest is that while the rest of the U.S. is still entrenched in snow, ice, and mud we are among the first to bid good-bye to winter. Our part of Texas only has two seasons: Summer and January!

It's always exciting in February when suddenly, nestled in the tall, expired grasses, these beauties pop up. They would be our equivalent of seeing the northern crocuses popping through the snow. Wind Flower, or Anemone heterophylla, comes in shades of white, pink, lavender, and blue. Interestingly it has no petals; it is the petal-like sepals that show the colors!

And in the vegetable garden last season's Collards--left to go to seed so that I can collect them--have begun to flower. The local bees have discovered them and I have been giving what's left of the leaves as treats to the chickens.

I am so happy to see the first signs of spring! sigh


Kateri said...

Trying to imagine a place where winter consists of January. As much a s I would love to bypass winter, I think I would miss a real spring if I didn't have one. Though trust me, I am envying your flowers right now! At least two months before we see the first crocus here in MI.

Anonymous said...

Too sweet! I love having four seasons here. Makes me really anticipate Springtime. :)

Callie Brady said...

Wow! Lovely. Good to know Spring is actually around the corner and has arrived at your door.

Anonymous said...

We are planting tomatoes this week

thecrazysheeplady said...

Great bee shot! We have snow, then rain and then snow again predicted for the next 36 hours. That's okay - except the rain part - as I love snow and am not quite ready for winter to be over. We have January and MOWING season!

Ed said...

Bee-utiful, I too am patiently awaiting spring..:-)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

My prayers are for you and your husband. I pray for wisdoms for the dcotors.

Spring is a time of hope, and regrowth.

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